20.09.2022 | We are delighted to be awarded the Best Poster Award (2nd Price) by CURAC (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V.) for our paper “Surface and Event Characterisation – Proximal Audio Sensing to Improve Manual and Robotic Device Interventions”. This award emphasizes our outstanding work in the area of laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery and motivates us, even more to introduce our #audiosensing technology into clinical practice! Thanks to everybody contributing to this work: Axel Boese, Katarzyna Heryan, Moritz Spiller, Thomas Sühn, Nazila Esmaeili, Alfredo Illanes, and especially Michael Friebe, for writing the paper. The corresponding research paper is available at https://lnkd.in/gbARJb65. ![]() |
09.09.2022 | A Glimpse from the #Healthi Award Ceremony from Yesterday in Berlin. Such a great impression on what #futureofhealthcare looks like! We are super happy to be one of the top 3 finalists in the young project category out of 220 applications, and we would like to congratulate the winning team Puray. Also, congratulations to Endo Health GmbH (Start-up) and OnlineDoctor (Unternehmen) and all the finalists. Breathment , anvajo , Tiplu GmbH , Cytolytics GmbH, DiHeSys – Digital Health Systems GmbH Thanks to Handelsblatt Media Group and Techniker Krankenkasse for organizing such a great event and motivating us to bring up the #innovationinhealthcare . ![]() |
08.10.2021 | Medical technology out of Magdeburg showed again a strong attendance at the annual meeting of the German BioMedical Technology Community BMT 2021. 17 research contributions were presented as talks or posters at the conference in Hannover. Additionally, our team attended the start-up pitch session presenting the Bodytune auscultation system, the EasyJector injection platform, and the SURAG surgical audio guidance where finally SURAG won the start-up award. Congratulations.![]() |
29.07.2021 | Our start-up idea, ULTRACLEAR, received the 1st prize at the #InnovationThinkTank exhibition of Siemens Healthineers. This was an especial moment for us as it was the third appearance in this stage as a finalist. Following presenting our R&D projects in 2018 (first prize) and 2019 (second prize), we took part with a start-up idea at the exhibition of 2021. This start-up idea aims to introduce the first handheld gamma-ultrasound scanner for surgical navigation and small field of view imaging. We were the winner among 300 project applications. These exhibitions provide great opportunities to get valuable feedback on ideas, meet like-minded people from around the world, and hear about their innovative projects and start-up ideas. Thank you #InnovationThinkTank! |
28.07.2021 | Innovation Think Tank (ITT), a part of the Chief Technology Office of Siemens Healthineers, is organizing its annual external exhibition (eITT 2021) on 28th July 2021, at its headquarters in Erlangen, Germany. The event focuses on open innovation, cocreation and disruptive innovations in the area of healthcare. Best practices at our various ITT locations and collaborations along with applicants from other institutions, start-ups and industries will be presented. We are proud to be part of the eITT 2021. https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/news-and-events/conferences-events-new/eitt ![]() |
23.06.2021 | We can proudly announce that the SURAG Medical GmbH was founded. Starting with an idea created at INKA, this is an important milestone to transfer into a real product. SURAG will create a new perception in minimally invasive surgery and make procedures more precise and safe!![]() |
14.05.2021 | EasyJector GmbH FOUNDED! Today we signed the papers in Berlin and on behalf of a great team of domain experts. Novel and disruptive contrast media injection for MRI and other diagnostic imaging modalities with a completely new business model. We are working on that for some years now, have filed several international patents and created many Minimal Viable Prototypes. It was time now to institutionalize our efforts. ![]() |
12.05.2021 | We are super thrilled to announce that our Team of BodyTune-Online presented by Rutuja Salvi at the Stiftung Charité Berlin Institute of Health #EntrepreneurshipSummit are #Winners of #LifeScienceVentureAward. We are also invited to present at the #EntrepreneursInGlobalHealthTrack at the #WorldHealthSummit2021 in #Berlin this year. ![]() |
19.04.2021 | INKA HealthTec Innovation Lab @unimedmagdeburg, was co-host of the 108th @SiemensHealth INNOVATION THINK TANK certification program (with TU_Muenchen)![]() |
29.03.2021 | Close collaboration between #surgineers and clinicians pays off: We are happy and proud to be awarded 3rd place in the Hugo-Junkers-Preis für Forschung und Innovation aus Sachsen-Anhalt 2020 in the category “Most Innovative Project in Applied Research”. Thanks to our partners from the Orthopedic Department of the University Clinic in Magdeburg and our hosting chair INKA Application Driven Research. |
18.03.2021 | Our new Zwick&Roell Testing Machine is installed. Thank you for the support and the opportunity to collaborate. ![]() |
20.01.2021 | CALL FOR PARTICIPATION: Siemens Healthineers #InnovationThinkTank Certification Program at the INKA Application Driven Research, Medical Faculty Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg on 15th – 19th of April 2021, in collaboration with Technical University of Munich We are very proud to announce that our INNOVATION THINK TANK (ITT) at the Medical Faculty of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg will be hosting the 105th session of the renowned ITT Certification Program, led by Prof. Sultan Haider, ITT’s Founder and Global Head. The program trains participants on #healthcare related #innovationmanagement, based on Prof. Haider’s methodologies and vast experience of establishing, running, and driving numerous interdisciplinary projects among ITT Labs worldwide. Participants will learn co-implementation approaches working on real-life challenges of global healthcare systems. This particular certification program will be co-hosted by Prof. David Franklin at TUM. The Certification Program is a new addition to ongoing activities at ITT Magdeburg, e.g. joint mentoring of ITT Fellowships, participation in global ITT events, grant applications etc. Deadline 15th March 2021 – APPLY TODAY! |
20.12.2020 | A few days before Christmas, we have received great news! Our application with BODYTUNE, our computer-aided auscultation system for monitoring the carotid artery, to InnoHealth USA has been accepted! Our participation will allow us to build new partnerships with research institutions, companies, and medical clusters in the US and includes a one week tour to Boston and the siliconvalley. The campaign is part of the Research in Germany initiative led by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and is designed to strengthen the scientific research and the cooperation between the US and German healthcare sector. |
15.11.2020 | Neue Vorlesungsreihe “HealthTEC Innovation” von Prof. Michael Friebe ist gestartet![]() |
04.11.2020 | INKA HealthTec Labor an der Universitätsmedizin Magdeburg hat gerade den Innovationswettbewerb des @SiemensHealth Innovation Think Tanks gewonnen. Zwei Produktideen kombiniert mit dem Digital Twin Ansatz! ![]() |
28.10.2020 | Zum 5ten Mal in 5 Jahren haben Projekte und Innovationsideen des INKA Application Driven Research Labors es ins Finale des renommierten Hugo-Junkers-Preis für Forschung und Innovation aus Sachsen-Anhalt gebracht. Diesmal mit einem Gemeinschaftsprojek mit der Orthopädischen Universitätsklinik Magdeburg un der Experimentellen Orthopädie der OVGU. |
14.09.2020 | We are part of the “Otto ist Innovation” campaign of Magdeburg presented on 14th September @ Alleecenter Magdeburg. Our strong collaboration with the University clinic for ENT, Prof. Arens, and our SURAG – surgical audio guide project were exhibited.![]() ![]() |
06.07.2020 | Ali Pashazadeh today successfully defended his PhD thesis titled „Affordable and Personalized Solutions for Radiation Therapy of Superficial Skin Tumors“. He obtained a MAGNA cum LAUDE. We are very proud of his achievements in the last 4 years including 3 patent applications, and over 10 journal papers as first or second author. And, he will continue to work — with us — on the results in his start-up RADPRINT … excellent example of the approach that we preach at our chair: IDENTIFY UNMET CLINICAL NEED, IDEATE SOLUTIONS … ITERATE and MODIFY … and subsequently IMPLEMENT in an interdisciplinary setup working closely with the clinicians.![]() |
26.06.2020 | Successful doctoral defense of Prabal Poudel titled THYROID TEXTURE CLASSIFICATION USING MACHINE LEARNING IN CONJUNCTION WITH AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELLING AND DEEP LEARNING. He obtained a MAGNA CUM LAUDE! We are very proud of him! And his new employer Philips should be as well. Good luck Prabal and stay connected with INKA, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg and solving Unmet Clinical Needs. ![]() |
17.06.2020 | INKA Team will present on BMT – 54rd Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering, Leipzig, September 29, 2020. This year INKA is represented with one abstract and 12 conference papers. |
02.06.2020 | SURAG is now listed in the MakerLabs „Hall of Fame“ https://www.tugz.ovgu.de/Produkt+entwickeln/MakerLabs/Hall+of+Fame+%28Auszeichnungen+_+Preise%29-p-4442.html |
28.05.2020 | A short INKA YOUTUBE video just created. Very unprofessional … and because of that believable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylMM8vmINAg&feature=youtu.be |
08.04.2020 | New INKA Startup MEDICS GmbH founded. |
01.04.2020 | INKA SURAG Team starts with EXIST Forschungstransfer „Surgical Audio Guidance“ – www.surag-medical.de |
04.02.2020 | The INKA Team moved out of Rötgerstr. 9. New Headquater is now Building 65 at Leipziger Str. 44 (Innolab at Medical Campus) |
05.12.2019 | Here you can find the interesting editorial „Michael Friebe’s 28th private, slightly biased, and as always subjective report“ on the platform DOTmed. |
03.12.2019 | INKA is presenting together with industrial partners on RSNA 2019 Chicago.![]() |
26.11.2019 | The team SurAG – surgical Audio Guidance – from INKA Chair of the Otto-von-Guericke-University is proud to be the winner of the „Ideenphase 2020“ of the Science4Life Venture Cup! Read more here. From left to right: Jens Krüger from the Hessian Ministry of Economics, Thomas Sühn & Moritz Spiller from Surgical Audio Guidance, Dr. Karl Heinz Baringhaus from Sanofi 300 dpi, JPG, ©Science4Life ![]() |
15.11.2019 | Thank you very much for inviting us to the final round of Hugo-Junkers-Preis! |
14.11.2019 | Here you can find an interesting article about INKA on the website of Cath Lab Digest, a product, news and clinical update for the cardiac catheterization laboratory specialist. |
13.11.2019 | We are very happy about the successful and great article „Die INKAs auf ruhmreichem Weg“ on the website of IMG Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH. Here you can go directly to the article. It is worth it! |
09.10.2019 | Click here to find out „What is it Like to Be an IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecturer“ from the perspective of our Chair Holder Professor Friebe. |
01.10.2019 | Many thanks to the Women-in-Science Network at OVGU for mentioning our successful project „Select MINT II“ (more information in our News Section from 16.08.2019) in your current September Newsletter.![]() |
25.09.2019 | A part of our INKA team, members of Stimulate and OVGU informatics are visiting this year’s BMT – 53rd Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering, Frankfurt/Main, September 25-28, 2019. This year INKA is represented with 3 oral and 12 poster presentations plus 5 conference papers.![]() |
16.09.2019 | As you have already heard in our news section, the IQ Innovation Award Magdeburg 2019 went to our Chair of Catheter Technologies (INKA). Our team was awarded for the development of a contrast medium injector for imaging diagnostics. Here you will find further information and pictures from the meeting with our Lord Mayor Dr. Lutz Trümper and our Economic Councillor Rainer Nitsche. (from left to right: Economic Councillor Rainer Nitsche, Marco Kalmar and Dr. Axel Boese INKA Chair Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, Lord Mayor Dr. Lutz Trümper) The photo used in this article is copyrighted. If you want to use it, please contact the site operator. He will then contact the author (Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg) or authorised user if necessary. |
03.09.2019 | INKA beteiligt sich am „wirtschaftsBOOOM“ der Stadt Magdeburg und Partner. Am Donnerstag, 5. September 2019, 10:00 –14:30 Uhr im Gesellschaftshaus Magdeburg wird Dr. Axel Boese aus dem INKA Team mit Unternehmen der Region die Herausforderungen der Zukunft diskutieren. Im Kontext „Von der Idee zum Produkt“ werden Innovation, Kundenorientierung und neue Technologien im Vordergrund stehen. Weite Infos zur Veranstaltung findet ihr hier. |
16.08.2019 | Select MINT II – Schoolgirls as Guests in the Medical Technology Research Field The „Select MINT II“ project supports female pupils in Saxony-Anhalt from the 11th grade onwards in their study and career orientation in the subjects of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (MINT). In cooperation with the Chair of Catheter Technologies (INKA – Intelligent Catheters) under the direction of Prof. Michael Friebe, the young women were able to gain their first impressions of the field of study and medical technology. During the three-day research seminar (05.08.-07.08.2019), the schoolgirls not only gained insights into the study opportunities at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, they could also gain hands-on experience in the research work of the doctoral students of the INKA Chair. App-controlled robots, 3D printing and prototype construction, ultrasound measurements, auscultation and endoscopic surgery as well as a tour of the magnetic resonance tomograph and the 3D C-arm in the Experimental Factory (EXFA) were only some of the program items. The research seminar ended with a lecture by the professor on „Exponential Technologies and Medicine 2040“ which was intended to introduce future challenges and developments in medicine to the students. Already for the second time the team of INKAs welcomed female students within the Select Mint project. The research seminar on study and career orientation was also offered in 2018. After three intensive days of research, the students received final certificates. Prof. Friebe (right) and Holger Fritzsche (left) guided the students through the field of medical technology. Cindy Lübeck from the Stimulate-Team of OVGU explains the practical use of the 3D C-arm in the Experimental Factory. |
28.06.2019 | Preisträger des IQ Innovationspreis Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg – Lehrstuhl für Kathetertechnologien Der IQ Innovationspreis Magdeburg 2019 ging an ein Team von Wissenschaftlern des Lehrstuhls für Kathetertechnologien – INKA der vom Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Ihre Innovation ist ein neuartiger Kontrastmittel-Injector für die bildgebende Diagnostik mittels Mag-netresonanztomographie oder (MRT) und Computertomografie (CT). Das kleine und leichte Ein-mal-Gerät ist preiswert herzustellen, einfach zu bedienen und erhöht den Komfort für den Pati-enten. Dabei wird der „Easy Jector“ wird über eine App gesteuert, die auch die Lagerbestände automatisch überwacht. Mit dem IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland fördert die Europäische Metropolregion Mittel-deutschland neuartige, marktfähige Produkte, Verfahren und Dienstleistungen in fünf branchen-spezifischen Clustern. In der Europäischen Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland engagieren sich strukturbestimmende Unternehmen, Städte und Landkreise, Kammern und Verbände sowie Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen aus Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen mit dem gemeinsamen Ziel einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung und Vermarktung der Wirtschafts-, Wissen-schafts- und Kulturregion Mitteldeutschland. IQ Innovationspreis Magdeburg 2019: ![]() (v.l.) Rainer Nitsche (Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg), Dr. Axel Boese, Marco Kalmar (beide Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg – Lehrstuhl für Kathetertechnologien – INKA) (Bildnachweis: Guido Werner/GWP) Das Video zum EasyJector finden Sie hier. |
19.06.2019 | Research funding and AI based ‘Super‘-ultrasound system from GE Healthcare for the INKA team and their clinical partners The INKA team of Prof. Friebe applied for the GE LOGIQ E10 call for LIVER HEALTH with an idea of ultrasound guided temperature monitoring during a radiofrequency ablation, in which tumor cells are destroyed using high-frequency electric current. At the end of last year the INKA team was one of the 6 winners — out of more than 50 applicants — that were selected and announced during the world largest radiology conference, the RSNA in Chicago. The initiator of this project, the PhD student Jens Ziegle recently started the project named ‘Thermal Monitoring of Radiofrequency Ablation in Hepatic Tissue Using Autoregressive Modelling’ with his colleagues PhD student Elmer Jeto Gomez Ataide, and supervised by Dr. Alfredo Illanes Manriques. The INKA team received a price money of 75.000 US Dollar and additionally the research group was provided last month with the newest technology LOGIQ E10 ultrasound system. The unit can also be used for research in collaboration with interested clinical departments at the University Hospital and Medical Faculty in Magdeburg. The LOGIQ E10 comes with a dedicated graphics processing unit for enhanced computing power. The Integration of AI – Artificial Intelligence could trigger new impulses in ultrasound imaging, especially for patient diagnostic and ultrasound guided therapy. ‘Together we try provide medical doctors with a new tool for indication of successful tumor destruction within the liver. Using ultrasound for a real time temperature analysis, we could provide an accurate and direct statement of success during the procedure itself. The chance of tumor reoccurrence could possibly be decreased significantly’, commented Jens Ziegle. A successful implementation could also be transferred to therapy applications for other tumors, like in the thyroid. (l.t.r.): PD Dr. med. Alexander Link and researchers Prof. Michael Friebe, Holger Fritzsche, Jens Ziegle and Elmer Ataide happy about the „Super“ ultrasound E10 in the InnoLab for image-guided therapies. |
05.06.2019 | Ajay Pandey our collaboration partner from QUT in Brisbane was visiting us to discuss the joint project for audio guidance and tissue characterization in combination with Arthroscopy and external Ultrasound. The project of MSc. Thomas Sühn — who spend several month at the lab of Dr. Pandey in Australia — is supervised by Dr. Illanes. Prof. Friebe is happy about the results and next steps of this international cooperation. A joint publication is close to being submitted. |
27.05.2019 | The Fraunhofer Institut offers an interesting and educational workshop on the topic of virtual reality in medical education on June 7th, 2019. You can find all information and the schedule in the attached flyer. We wish you much success! |
21.05.2019 | We are really happy to be part of the new issue of the „SCOPE“ industry magazine. We hope you enjoy reading it! All texts, photos and graphic designs used in this article are copyrighted. If you want to use parts of it, please contact the site operator. He will then contact the author (Olympus Winter & Ibe GmbH) or authorised user if necessary. |
10.05.2019 | Today we officially said goodbye to our dear colleague Tina. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your excellent work and great support. Tina’s work was deservedly rewarded with the „outstanding achievement award“. |
30.04.2019 | With a new generation of tools for magnetic resonance guided interventions, the Magdeburg-based start-up „In-Line“ aims to conquer the medical technology market. Read more about the plans of our students Sinja and Juan here. |
25.04.2019 | Hier gelangt ihr zu dem interessanten Fachbeitrag von Holger Fritzsche zu dem Thema „Interdisziplinäre zukunftsorientierte MedTec-Entwicklung“ in der DZKF Deutsche Zeitschrift für klinische Forschung. |
24.04.2019 | 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference from July 23–27, 2019 in Berlin, Germany |
27.03.2019 | Holger Fritzsche presents the InnoLab IGT during the second „Incubator Workshop in Halle“. Guests are the Ministry, transfer institutions and incubator managers of Saxony-Anhalt (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Hochschule Anhalt, Hochschule Merseburg, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and Hochschule Harz). The goals are improved networking, student acquisition and project management. |
26.03.2019 | The INKA team welcomes medical students in the elective subject Medical Psychology to the Innolab IGT with the slogan „Research, Discover, Invent“. The students get an overview of everyday scientific life with exciting projects, the newest medical equipment, diagnosis and therapy methods. |
12.03.2019 | On April 4, 2019, Prof. Friebe will be a keynote speaker at the event „Translational Aspects related to Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine“ in Bern, Switzerland. |
05.03.2019 | Follow the link to get a small insight into Prof. Friebe’s annual report about the ECR fair in Vienna. |
18.02.2019 | The collaborative research between the lab of Emad Boctor, Phd, assistant professor Johns Hopkins and the INKA lab won Honorably Mention poster award at SPIE medical imaging conference in San Diego. Congrats to our PhD student Jens Ziegle. |
04.02.2019 | QUT Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation |
17.01.2019 | The Federal Research Ministry’s „Entrepreneurial Regions“ programme released an article about Rainer Landes‘ development as part of the INKA Team on its website. |
18.12.2018 | The Federal Research Ministry’s „Entrepreneurial Regions“ programme released an article about INKA winning the 2nd prize at the Hugo Junkers Award 2018 in the category „Most innovative projects in fundamental research“. |
17.12.2018 | On December 14, 2018, Prof. Friebe gave this year’s last IEEE EMBS distinguished lecture at the University of Porto on inviation of Prof. Coimbra on „Exponential Technologies in Healthcare / MedTec Applications – Impact, Changes and Challenges for Translation and the Future Research“. |
12.12.2018 | Hugo-Junkers-Preis 2018: Der 2. Preis in der Kategorie: „Innovativste Vorhaben der Grundlagenforschung“ geht an den Lehrstuhl INKA – Intelligente Katheter der Universität Magdeburg Am 12. Dezember 2018 überreichte Sachsen-Anhalts Minister für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitalisierung, Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann, in Magdeburg den Hugo-Junkers-Preis 2018. Den 2. Preis in der Kategorie „Innovativste Vorhaben der Grundlagenforschung“ erhielt das Team INKA. Rainer Landes, Dr. Alfredo Illanes und Prof. Dr. Michael Friebe konnten zusammen mit ihren klinischen Partnern aus der Dermatologie Dr. med. Daniela Göppner und Prof. Dr. med. Harald Gollnick mit dem Projekt LIMOTREAT – Eine Neue Methode zur individualisierten Bestimmung des Bestrahlungszeitpunktes für die Photodynamische Therapie überzeugen. Die Photodynamische Therapie kann unter Gabe des Medikamentes Aminolävulinsäure die Produktion sogenannter Photosensibilisatoren in Krebszellen anstoßen. Durch gezielte Bestrahlung mit Licht können dadurch Tumorzellen abgetötet werden. Der Vorteil bei dieser Therapieform liegt darin, dass keine ionisierende Strahlung verwendet werden muss. Aber bisher ist die Rezidivrate bei dieser Behandlung hoch. Der ideale Behandlungszeitraum zwischen Medikamentengabe und Lichtapplikation konnte bisher nicht bestimmt werden. Die Innovation besteht darin durch die Verwendung des am INKA Lehrstuhl selbstentwickelten Filterfluorometers den Übergang von fluoreszenten Zwischenprodukten hin zum eigentlichen Photosensibilisator in Echtzeit messen zu können. Somit ist es mit dem entwickelten Gerät möglich den idealen Zeitpunkt zur Lichtapplikation individuell, anhand des Zellstoffwechsels zu bestimmen. Insgesamt erhielten zwölf Preisträger aus 82 Bewerbern, in vier Kategorien Auszeichnungen für Innovationen, die Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in Sachsen-Anhalt voran bringen. Die Preisgelder in Höhe von insgesamt 80.000 Euro wurden symbolisch durch Prof. Dr. Willingmann und Jury Vorsitzende Prof. Sylvia Rohr an die Preisträger überreicht. ![]() Bilder der Preisverleihung Hugo Junkers 2018 sind in der Bildergalerie zu finden: https://www.hugo-junkers-preis.de/startseite/ Video zum INKA System zur Photodynamischen Therapie: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJHglueAaz9eVnCgcJqfTiBwtPlKZklHI |
10.12.2018 | INKA Team mit Forschungspreis für neuen Ansatz zur Temperaturüberwachung von Therapien mittels Ultraschall — 75.000 USD von GE Healthcare aus den USA Mit einer Idee zur Temperaturüberwachung mittels Ultraschall während einer Radiofrequenz Ablation, bei der Tumorzellen mittels Anwendung eines hochfrequenten elektrischen Stroms abgetötet werden, hat sich ein Team des INKA Lehrstuhls um Prof. Friebe für den GE LOGIQ E10 LIVER HEALTH call beworben. Auf der diesjährigen RSNA Show wurden die 5 Gewinner vorgestellt (mehr als 50 Bewerber) und dazu zählt auch der INKA Antrag. Der Mitarbeiter und Initiator des Projektes, M.Sc. Jens Ziegle wird nun ab kommendem Jahr das Projekt „Thermal Monitoring of Radiofrequency Ablation in Hepatic Tissue Using Autoregressive Modelling“ mit seinen Kollegen M.Sc. Elmer Jeto Gomes Ataide und Dr. Alfredo Illanes Manriquez in Angriff nehmen. Das INKA Team erhält dafür 75.000 US Dollar und zudem wird der Forschergruppe ein neues LOGIQ E10 Ultraschallgerät (Wert: EURO 100.000) zur Verfügung gestellt. General Electric (GE) Healthcare schrieb dieses Jahr einen Aufruf zur Einreichung von innovativen Projekten über die Forschungsplattform „Brightidea“ speziell für das neue Ultraschallsystem E10 aus. Das LOGIQ E10 stellt eine gesteigerte Rechenleistung über eine zusätzliche Grafikeinheit bereit. Weltweit wurden Wissenschaftsgruppen zur Ideenfindung neuer Nutzungsmöglichkeiten mittels Ultraschall für die Diagnose und Therapie von Leberkrankheiten aufgefordert. Die INKA Idee wird nun gemeinsam mit 5 weiteren Bewerbern gefördert. „Zusammen versuchen wir den Medizinern ein wichtiges Tool zur Indikation einer erfolgreichen Tumorzerstörung innerhalb der Leber bereitzustellen. Mit einer Echtzeit-Temperaturanalyse über Ultraschall könnten wir eine genaue und direkte Aussage eines Erfolges während der Behandlung aufzeigen. Die Chance eines wiederauftretenden Tumors kann hierbei stark gegen Null gesenkt werden und ermöglicht behandelten Patienten ein sorgenfreieres Leben.“, teilt Jens Ziegle mit. Bei einer erfolgreichen Umsetzung schließen die Mitarbeiter von INKA eine Anwendung für weitere tumorbefallene Organe nicht aus. Das INKA Team forscht seit 2014 an minimalinvasiven Verfahren zur Diagnose und Therapie. Neben Stiftungsprofessor Michael Friebe arbeiten 17 Doktoranden und 2 Post Docs an neuen kliniknahen Lösungen.![]() |
01.12.2018 | Internationale Präsentation der Forschungsergebnisse der Medizintechnik — INKA und Partner stellen mit auf der größten Radiologie Show der Welt aus Wissenschaftler der Medizintechnik der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität haben Ende November ihre Forschungsergebnisse auf dem RSNA 2018, der größten Show für Produkte der Radiologie ausgestellt. Gemeinsam mit industriellen Partnern wurden unter dem Motto „German Interventional MRI Community“ kliniknahe Lösungen für die Unterstützung von medizinischen Eingriffen am Magnetresonanztomograph präsentiert. Die gute Auswahl des Standplatzes auf der Messe und eine intensive Vorbereitung führten zu einem enormen Besucherandrang. INKA zeigte Haltesysteme, Nadelführungen, Marker, Biopsienadeln und Antriebe die im Umfeld der starken Magnetfelder des MRT eingesetzt werden können. Ein neues Konzept für einen kleinen tragbaren kostengünstigen Kontrastmittelinjektor sorgte für besonderes Interesse. Die Wissenschaftler präsentierten bis die Stimme versagt. Das neue Magdeburger Start up Inline konnte vor vielen Radiologen seine Interventionssysteme in Verbindung mit einer Assistenzsoftware demonstrieren und erhielt viel Zuspruch und neue Ideen. Gemeinsam mit den Firmen ITP Bochum und MRcomp, MRtec und MRstar aus Gelsenkirchen konnte ein breites Spektrum von Systemen präsentiert werden, die patientenschonende strahlungsfreie Eingriffe unter MRT Bildgebung ermöglichen. Als weiteres Highlight konnte die INKA Gruppe um Prof. Michael Friebe den Gewinn eines neuen Forschungspreises durch GE Healthcare feiern, der auf dem RSNA verkündet wurde. Die Aussteller waren mit der Messeresonanz sehr zufrieden. Der RSNA findet jährlich in Chicago/USA im November statt. Mit jährlich mehr als 50.000 Besuchern und 700 Austellern ist der RSNA die größte Messe und Treffpunkt der Radiologie Szene mit den Spitzenvertretern aus Industrie, Medizin und Wissenschaft. Weitere Informationen gibt es unter https://www.rsna.org/Annual-Meeting und im RSNA Report von Prof. Friebe https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-machine-learning-mainstream-now-rsnai-2018-world-michael-friebe.![]() |
22.11.2018 | A+ / 1.0 Master Defense day of Maryam Sadeghi and Alan Guthrie Two INKA students concluded their Master studies today defending their thesis projects. Great results that will also be published in international journals. Maryam Sadeghi completed her work on „Feedback-based self-improving CNN algorithm for breast cancer lymph node metastasis detection in real clinical environment“ in collaboration with the Institute of Pathology at the OVGU hospital (Prof. Haybäck). Her work was supervised by INKA PHD student Ivan Maldonado. Alan Guthrie’s topic was „Development and evaluation of MRI-compatible pneumatic motors for robotic interventions“ complementing the ongoing INKA research on interventional MRI tools and devices. His work will also be shown at this year’s RSNA meeting in Chicago at the INKA booth (S1239). His work was supervised by INKA PHD student Robert Odenbach. |
20.11.2018 | On November 21, 2018 at 5:15 pm, Dr. Ajay Panday from the Queensland Universit of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane will give a talk on his work (among others: Multi-functional Organic Optoelectronic Arrays as Smart Skin for Robotics) as well as on the joint projects that our PhD student Thomas Sühn will work on during his stay in Brisbane in the near future. Feel free to join Dr. Panday’s talk. It will take place in the INKA meeting room (Rötgerstr. 9, building 53, room 118). https://staff.qut.edu.au/staff/pandey7/ |
19.11.2018 | We are pleased to aannounce that on November 16, 2018, Holger Fritzsche was appointed head of the VDI’s (Association of German Engineers) Technical Division Medical Technology as part of the VDI’s ordinary general meeting at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Magdeburg. |
16.11.2018 | As part of the International Workshop on Smart Skins organised by the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at the Technical University of Munich, that will take place in Munich from November 19 to November 20, 2018, Prof. Michael Friebe will be an invited lecturer on „Proximal Audio Sensor Integration for Acoustic Palpation during Robotic Surgery and Human Monitoring Applications including situational Awareness and Navigation“. |
16.11.2018 | The 1st INKA Unconference „Healthcare Start-Ups in an Exponential World – Chancen für die OVGU und Sachsen-Anhalt“ was a full success with lively discussions and good ideas emerging! We would like to thank all panelists participants for a great evening! |
08.11.2018 | 1st INKA UNCONFERENCE on Healthcare Start-Ups || November 14, 2018 The INKA chair will host its 1st Unconference on start-ups and innovation in the healthcare industry. Prof. Michael Friebe will moderate the Unconference and start off with a short report about his impressions of the Exponential Medicine Conference in San Diego and a general introduction. Subsequently, there will be a panel discussion with the title “How can the start-up scene position itself in Saxony-Anhalt and at OVGU?“. We will also have a poster exhibition on start-up ideas and some snacks. You can find all the details on time and location in the flyer below. To anyone who is interested in joining the Unconference, please contact Tina Jenner at tina.jenner@ovgu.de or +49 391 67-57019 to register. |
04.11.2018 | Prof. Friebe is attending the Exponential Medicine 2018 in San Diego (Nov. 4 – Nov. 7, 2018), the MUST conference for forward thinking health innovators … Surgeons Prof. Carla Pugh (Standford University), Prof. Stefano Bini (UCSF), Prof. Shafi Ahmed (Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry) with Prof. Michael Friebe |
02.11.2018 | On November 22, 2018 at 9:00 am, the following Master Thesis defense presentations will be held at INKA (conference room 118, building 53, Rötgerstr. 9, Magdeburg): Maryam Sadeghi: „Feedback-based self-improving CNN algorithm for breast cancer lymph node metastasis detection in real clinical environment“ Alan Guthrie: „Development and evaluation of MRI-compatible pneumatic motors for robotic interventions“ |
30.10.2018 | As part of the Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN), Prof. Friebe – along with Dr. H N Suma (BMSCE) and Abhishek Appaji M (BMSCE) – will give a course on „Development concepts for future Imaging and Image Guided Surgeries — exponential Technologies and reverse Innovation“ from February 8 to February 14, 2019 at the BMS College of Engineering in Bangalore, India |
24.10.2018 | INKA students presenting their master thesis in front of INKA team |
28.09.2018 | INKA team and Stimulate with contributions at BMT 2018 in Aachen |
04.09.2018 | INKA students presenting their master thesis in front of INKA team and our clinical partners |
28.08.2018 | Prof. Friebe was invited as Adjunt Professor in the School of Chemistry, Physics, and Mechanical Engineering and the School of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Science and Engineering Faculty and at the Queensland University of Technology with the term starting on June 21, 2018 and ending on June 20, 2020. |
07.08.2018 | INKA Team members in the regional German newspaper „Volksstimme“ with an article about their 1st and 3rd places at the Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE) 2018 taking place at the Medical Valley Centre in Erlangen. |
02.08.2018 | INKA announces three mega journal acceptances with three different research topics – NATURE Scientific Reports / PLOS ONE / IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Read more |
20.07.2018 | INKA Team members won the 1st and 3rd prize for the most innovative student award at the Innovation Research Lab Exhibition (IRLE) 2018 which took place at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. |
18.07.2018 | INKA Team with 4 presentations at the world’s largest biomedical conference, the 40th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, this year in Honolulu, Hawaii (July 17-21), with 2.700 attendees from 73 nations |
17.07.2018 | The Start-Up Days jointly organised by the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft will take place in Bonn on September 10 and 11, 2018. For detailed information, please read here. |
10.07.2018 | INKA Team with 5 Oral and 4 Poster presentations plus 4 conference papers at premier Biomedical Conference — BMT 2018, Aachen, September 26-28, 2018 |
30.06.2018 | In its latest issue in June 2018, the Otto-von-Guericke University’s magazine „unireport“ published two articles about the INKA team’s innovations as well as the importance of international cooperation. |
29.06.2018 | The magazine „startUPdate“ published an article about the financing situation in the medical technology industry interviewing Prof. Michael Friebe on the current challenges and trends. |
21.06.2018 | INKA Team with strong presence on premier Image Guided Conference The INKA chair presented in total 6 conference contributions at this year’s CARS in Berlin. The cooperative research on Ultrasound guided RF Ablation with Johns Hopkins was presented by Jens Ziegle and also published as journal papers in IJCARS. Younsu Kim from the JHU group of Prof. Boctor presented another paper with joint authorship. The PhD students Prabal Poudel, Marwah Maatoq and Robert Odenbach showed their results on US Image Segmentation, interventional needle, and MRI marker structure design respectively. And finally Dr. Illanes, a Post-Doc at the chair featured the ongoing research of audio emission detection for device guidance. Prof. Friebe and his team also tied new international connections and research cooperations during the conference namely with the team of Prof. Dobbelsteen from TU Delft and the interventional research group in Groningen. |
14.06.2018 | Guest visit and seminar by Professor Dr. Kao from Taiwan with topic “Vestibular rehabilitation” Ms. Dr. Kao is a rehabilitation medical doctor of Taipei Veterans General Hospital and also a professor in the school of medicine of National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan. She gave a short talk about the current practice of vestibular rehabilitation in clinics and showed some of her research results in this field such as different forms of interactive video-game-based rehabilitation exercises for reversing dizziness symptoms and enhancing balance problems. She also visited the university hospital and our incubator “Image Guided Therapy (IGT)” at the medical campus. It was a pleasure to have Dr. Kao as a guest and we hope there will be an international cooperation with Dr. Kao in the future. |
30.04.2018 | The Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (IHK) regional journal „Der Markt in Mitteldeutschland“ published an article about young founders and their ideas and also covered Juan Sebastián Sánchez López and Sinja Lagotzki and their start-up „In-Line“. |
03.04.2018 | The Federal Research Ministry’s „Entrepreneurial Regions“programme released an article about INKA’s important international research cooperations on its website. |
28.03.2018 | Prof. Friebe will be a keynote speaker at 4th IEEE Middle East Conference from 28 – 30 March 2018 in Tunis, Tunisia on the topic „What does it need to take to avoid developing “wrong” Medical Technology products/services?“. |
08.03.2018 | Please read this interesting artcile about the impact of international research cooperations. |
07.03.2018 | Two joint papers with the Johns Hopkins University have been accepted for the IPCAI conference (International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions) taking place in Berlin in June this year. |
05.03.2018 | Follow the link to read Prof. Friebe’s annual ECR report. |
30.01.2018 | The Federal Research Ministry’s „Entrepreneurial Regions“programme released an article about the InnoLab IGT and the INKA chair on its webseite in January 2018. |
30.01.2018 | Please read the article about Juan Sebastian Sanchez Lopez and Sinja Lagotzki from the business founder team „Flexist“ presenting their ideas and works at the „Trialog für Visionäre“ published in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (IHK) regional journal „Der Markt in Mitteldeutschland“ in December 2017. |
30.01.2018 | Opening of the new INNOVATION Lab IGT (Image Guided Therapy) at the University Clinic: Please read the article published in VDI’s regional journal „Mitteldeutsche Mitteilungen“ in January 2018. |
29.01.2018 | Prof. Friebe will hold a seminar with the title „What does it need to take to avoid developing “wrong” Medical Technology products/services?“ at the University of Dubai on 30 January 2018. |
29.01.2018 | Prof. Friebe will be a keynote speaker at Arab Health’s Biomedical Engineering Conference 2018 in Dubai. Please find the agenda here. |
06.12.2017 | Hugo Junkers Preis 2017 / 2nd place for SURAG – SURgical Audio Guide – übers „Hören“ zum verifizierten therapeutischen Ziel / Chair of Intelligent Catheters and Image Guided Therapies at the Otto von Guericke University with new technology approach for minimal invasive therapy guidance. We are very happy to announce that the university research team of Prof. Michael Friebe with Dr. Alfredo Illanes, Dr. Axel Boese, MSc. Ali Pashazadeh, MSc. Ivan Maldonado won the Hugo Junkers research price for their new idea of a multi-sensoric audio evaluation system that can be attached to biopsy needles, endoscopes, guide wires, catheters and other surgical devices for enhanced and more accurate tool guidance. |
28.11.2017 | Prof. Friebe will be a distinguished lecturer at the 1st IEEE EMBS Distinguished Lecturer Event at the University of Illinois at Chicago. |
26.11.2017 | Please follow this link to Prof. Friebe’s personal report from the RSNA 2017 which took place in Chicago from 26.11. – 01.12.2017. |
20.11.2017 | Prof. Friebe will give a talk at Medizinische Bildgebung 2.0 on the topic „Exponential Technologies: Innovations and possible impact on the health care sector 2027“. |
13.11.2017 | Juan Sebastian Sanchez Lopez and Sinja Lagotzki from the business founder team „Flexist“ presented their ideas and works at the „Trialog für Visionäre“ which was part of the Gründerwoche 2017 (http://gruenden.ovgu.de/trialog/). |
07.11.2017 | Michael Friebe is invited by the German Government as a Speaker on Start-Up Translation at the Brisbane German Week – 07. Nov. 2017. |
27.10.2017 | |
24.09.2017 | International Healthcare Vision 2037 : new technologies, educational goals and entrepreneurial challenges — Book available for free Download What kind of effect will new technologies have on healthcare delivery in the next decades?· Will we finally develop systems to prevent people from becoming patients?· Will healthcare become more and more expensive?· What kind of role will developing nations play?· Do we need all these expensive and complex systems?· Will artificial intelligence, gene therapy, robotics help to tackle the future healthcare issues or will they create additional problems?· … and how can we foster entrepreneurship to identify new unmet clinical needs and subsequently introduce new systems, devices or services? The conference proceedings and summary of the European „Biomedical Engineering – Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Alliance — BME-IDEA” are now available for free download, edited by Michael Friebe and his team of the chair of Intelligent Catheters and Image Guided Surgeries. More than 50 contributions on HEALTHCARE VISION+CLINICAL INNOVATION, HEALTHCARE DIGITISATION, EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES, REGIONAL HEALTHCARE VISION, and DEDICATED HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES from a very international and interdisciplinary group of individuals. ISBN 978-3-944722-59-7 DOI: 10.24352/UB.OVGU-2017-76 Download http://edoc2.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/hs/content/titleinfo/69865 |
11.09.2017 | INKA team with 16 contributions at BMT 2017 in Dresden. |
05.09.2017 | Prof. Friebe will be a speaker at 26th Industriegespräch Chemnitz/Jena in Jena on the topic „Are we developing the wrong products / services in Medical Technology? Or, are we focussing on the wrong value propositions?“ |
29.08.2017 | The TUGZ of the OVGU offers you an ideation workshop in cooperation with an innovation expert to develop and exchange ideas in the medical engineering sector. You will create solutions within your research topic and explore possibilities for economic utilization. For your registration, please send an email to workshops.tugz@ovgu.de and tell us your name and perhaps your project idea. Please let us know by October 13 if you are interested to participate. Catering is provided. Further information is available at http://gruenden.ovgu.de/veranstaltungen/medical-engineering-innovation |
28.08.2017 | Prof. Friebe will be a speaker at Medizintechnik – Ausblick auf die nächsten 20 Jahre in Bochum, ogranized by VISUS Health IT GmbH and Agentur GesundheitsCampus. |
13.08.2017 | Distinguished lecturer event at JUST campus: |
04.08.2017 | INKA team member Shiras Abdurahman got the 2017 IEEE NSS-MIC Trainee Grant. |
24.07.2017 | For the upcoming ESMRMB congress in Barcelona in October, four abstracts were accepted from the INKA team for presentation. Topics covered by the scientific contributions are material analysis, artefatcs of interventional devices and monitoring of the MRI’s helium cooling system. |
27.06.2017 | Our BME-IDEA conference video is online. |
22.06.2017 | INKA + STIMULATE with a very strong presence of 7 scientific contributions and three chair functions at the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery conference in Barcelona (June 20-24 — www.cars-int.org). – Presentation: Low-budget limited angle CT device based on a miniaturized x-ray tube by A. van Oepen, S. Abdurahman and M. Friebe – Presentation: Real-time MRI/US fusion using inside-out tracking of virtually generated markers (ORtoMVM) by S. Balakrishnan and M. Friebe – Presentation: Intravascular Endoscopy Improvement through Narrow Band Imaging by A. Boese, A. Sivankutty and M. Friebe – Presentation: Trans-oral miniature X-ray radiation delivery system with endoscopic feedback by A. Boese, F. Johnson, T. Ebert, A. Pashazadeh, C. Arens and M. Friebe – Presentation: A survey of Auditory Display in Image-Guided Interventions by D. Black, C. Hansen. A. Nabavi, R. Kikinis and H. Hahn – Presentation: Multiple intracranial aneurysms: a direct hemodynamic comparison between ruptured und unruptured vessel malformation by P. Berg and O. Beuing – Poster: Vertebral Body Segmentation in Clinical Routine Spine MRI by G. Hille, S. Saalfeld, S. Serowy and K. Tönnies |
20.06.2017 | Unternehmen Region – Die BMB-Innovationsinnovative Neue Länder published the article Hightech für Diagnose und Therapie on their homepage. |
15.06.2017 | Congratulations to Holger Fritzsche who received the „VDI- Förderpreis 2017 des Magdeburger Bezirksvereins/ Sonderpreis Medizintechnik“ for his research work entitled „Turnable resectoscope for urology“. |
14.06.2017 | The 5th BME-IDEA EU conference which took place in Germany for the very first time was a big success. 90 international participants came to Magdeburg for three days to discuss the future trends and technologies in the healtcare sector. The program included scientific talks and papers, panel discussion with clinical and technical experts from reserch, development and industry as well as working session where ideas were developed in small groups during the conferences. |
11.06.2017 | The 5th BME-IDEA conference in the Magdeburg online news. |
25.05.2017 | INKA team with one accepted paper at EUSIPCO 2017. |
25.05.2017 | Prof. Friebe will be a key note addressee at the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society Conference (Winnipeg, Canada from 23-26.05.2017, co-sponsored by IEEE) and will also give a talk at the Biomedical Engineering group at the University of Manitoba, Canada. |
20.05.2017 | Researchers from the INKA and the Forschungscampus STIMULATE team presented their latest medical developments as well as medical devices used in clinical routine to a broad public audience at the „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2017“. |
15.05.2017 | INKA Team with record no. of 16 accepted conference papers or abstracts @ BMT 2017 in Dresden. |
12.05.2017 | SIEMENS HEALTHCARE INNOVATION THINK TANK AND INKA DISCUSS THE NEW INNOLAB: IGT Sultan Haider, the Leader of the highly successful and unconventional Siemens Healthcare Innovation Think Tank with 11 laboratories worldwide and Prof. Michael Friebe discuss the new INNOLAB:IGT (ego.INKUBATOR) that will be established at the OVGU university clinic. Sultan Haider will also attend the conference organised by INKA (www.healthcare-innovation.de) as one of the keynote lecturers and as part of an Innovation Strategy Panel (June 12, 15:00, Lukasklause, Magdeburg). |
01.05.2017 | Invited Lecture on May 1 and 2 by Prof. Friebe at the VUSI institute and laboratories of Prof. Robert Webster at Vanderbilt University (http://research.vuse.vanderbilt.edu/MEDLab/) on „Minimal invasive and intraoperative image guided tools, devices, and concepts” and „Exponential Technologies and their effects on future healthcare delivery and technology developments”. INKA and VISI are jointly working on new concepts for interventional manipulation under MRI guidance. On May 3, Prof. Friebe will also give a presentation at the labs of Prof. Boctor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore (https://musiic.lcsr.jhu.edu), a research partner of INKA in the field of advanced RFA therapies. |
14.02.2017 | Alfredo Illanes, PhD, from the INKA team, gave an interview for Unternehmen Region – die BMBF-Innovationsinitiative für die Neuen Länder. |
13.02.2017 | Prof. Friebe will be key note addressee on „Biomedical Engineering Entrepreneurship Needs for the gobal healthcare challenges“ in a DLP talk organized by the IEEE EMB MSRIT Chapter Bangalore, India, in the frame of their international workshop „Biomedical Engineering & Innovations: Perspectives of Healthcare“ from 13-14.02.2017. |
04.02.2017 | The INKA team made a three day trip to the Kreuzeck-Haus near Garmisch-Partenkirchen to conduct several workshops, discuss current research with partners from industry and set up future project works. |
03.02.2017 | The Magdeburg district association of the VDI has founded the work group Medical Technology under the direction of Dr. Frank Fleischer and Holger Fritzsche. |
23.01.2017 | „Die INKAs sind erfinderisch“ – a short documentary written by the BMBF about some of the chair’s projects (download as PDF). |
20.01.2017 | INKA Chair participates in the EU Horizon 2020 project “Tomographic 3D Ultrasound for Safer and more cost-effective Vascular Diagnostics and Treatment Planning” with partners from Austria, UK, and Germany. |
12.12.2016 | Prof. Friebe will give the lecture „High-Tech Medical Technology Investments between Business Angels and the European Angel Fund“ at Deutscher Business Angel Tag 2016 in Nuremberg. |
17.11.2016 | The BME IDEA Symposium 2017 will be hosted by INKA (Chair for Catheter Technologies + Image Guided Therapies), Otto-von-Guericke-University, from the 11th to the 13th of June, in Magdeburg, Germany. Further information will follow soon here. |
15.11.2016 | The Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – Unternehmen der Region focusses on INKA’s ideas on their homepage. |
01.11.2016 | The second INKA status meeting took place in the INKA headquarters in Magdeburg. |
26.10.2016 | In the journal MITTELDEUTSCHE MITTEILUNGEN Informationen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft (25. Jahrgang, 4/2016), Prof. Friebe and Axel Boese from the Chair of Catheter Technologies published the article „INKA Kathetertechnologien: Produktinnovation mit Medizinern und nicht nur für sie“ along with Dr. Jörg Bode, Primed Halberstadt Medizintechnik GmbH (STIMULATE Verein) and Dr. Mandy Grundmann, Forschungscampus STIMULATE (Otto-von-Guericke-University). |
09.10.2016 | With his publication on „RP-MR-Marker“, Robert Odenbach from the INKA team won the Poster Award in the category „Best idea in basic research“ out of 38 published posters on the 11th Interventional MRI Symposium in Baltimore, USA. |
06.10.2016 | From 4 – 6 October 2016, the employees from the INKA chair of catheter technologies and from STIMULATE have had a successful stay at the „Dreiländertagung Swiss, Austrian and German Societies for Biomedical Engineering“ in Basel (www.bmt2016.ch). With a great contribution of 18 (out of 400) presentations and posters, the Otto-von-Guericke-University has strongly been represented at BMT. |
26.09.2016 | Prof. Friebe will give an invited talk at the conference „Physik fürs „Leben“ – Innovationen in Medizin und Life Sciences“ organized by the German „Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft“ (DPG). The conference will take place in Bad Honnef from November 6th to 8th. |
16.08.2016 | OVGU Chair of Catheter Technologies with 4 paper presentations at world‘s largest biomedical conference in Orlando. 2.500 attendees from 67 countries at this year‘s IEEE EMBC conference presented almost 1.000 exciting research papers. The OVGU, represented by the Chair of Catheter Technologies and the STIMULATE research campus, highlighted their research in 4 areas by the papers from Hamideh Abadi, Michael Friebe, Johannes Krug, Alfredo Illanes: Distortion Indicator Algorithm for Simple Artifact Assessment of Passive MRI Markers Hamideh Abadi, Michael Friebe, Johannes Krug, Alfredo Illanes: Passive Artifact Behavior Prediction of Interventional Tools in High-Field MRI Using a 0.55T Portable Benchtop MR Scanner Yeshaswini Nagaraj, Christian Bendicks, Philipp Matthies, Michael Friebe: Advanced Inside-Out Tracking Approach for Real-Time Combination of MRI and US Images in the Radio-frequency Shielded Room Using Combination Markers Prabal Poudel, Michael Friebe, Christian Hansen, Julian Sprung: 3D Segmentation of Thyroid Ultrasound Images Using Active Contours |
15.07.2016 | Prof. Friebe will give a lecture entitled Innovation Generation Approaches for valuable Medical Technology Product Developments and the path to Entrepreneurship — Pitfalls and Opportunities within the IHBI Visiting Researcher Seminar at the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. The lecture will take place on July 20th. |
21.04.2016 | At the IEEE EMB Conference Turkey, which takes place on the 7th to 8th of May 2016 in Istanbul, Prof. Friebe is invited to speak about Innovation Generation Approaches for valuable medical technology product developments. |
20.04.2016 | Prof. Friebe will give a talk about Unique Egyptian Healthcare Needs — the need for innovative approaches to develop/adapt MedTec for cost reduction and to address distribution inequalities at the German-Egyptian Peer Expert Symposium on Healthcare in Cairo on the 26th of April 2016. |
18.04.2016 | During the winter term 2015/2016, our students taking part in the IIGP lecture wrote interesting review papers on different topics image guided procedures. These papers were now published in a book named „Instruments for image guided procedures – IIGP : review summaries for minimal invasive and image guided technologies and clinical procedures : student review papers on selected topics„. If you are interested you can download the book here for free. |
24.02.2016 | Prof. Friebe will give a talk entitled „Lean Start-up in der Medizintechnik – Funktioniert dieser Ansatz auch in stark regulierten Märkten“ at the „17. Healthcare Entrepreneurs‘ Meeting“ on 9th of March 2016 at the UnternehmerTUM in Munich. Further information also here. |
05.02.2016 | The OvGU and the TU Munich jointly organized pre-conference workshop for the International Conference on Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy. The workshop was held at February 5th 2016 at the DAV-Haus Spitzingsee in Schliersee (Germany). |
30.01.2016 | The international students from the IIGP course gave their poster presentations yesterday. The posters covered a broad range of minimally invasive therapies and imaging methods. The best 3 out of the 25 posters were awarded with a prize and a certificate. Magdeburgs local newspaper, the „Magdeburger Volksstimme“, published a short article about this event. An additional article was published by the BMBF / Unternehmen Region. |
19.01.2016 | Prof. Friebe has been appointed as an IEEE EMBS distinguished lecturer for 2016-2017. |
12.09.2015 | Alexander van Oepen achieved the 3rd place in the Best Poster Competition at the SMIT 2015 conference in Brno, Czech („Novel Device for Minimally-Invasive Tumor Removal“). |